Musical Entertainment & Live Band
Provided by: John Paris Band
Music Man
John Paris is an avid musician; he loves everything about music, from the best bands to the best and the rest of the bandleaders in town. In addition to playing, John also teaches music at the local university. It was his experience that gave him the inspiration to start his own business.
Our usual clients are eager, enthusiastic brides who really want to show their guests (many of them coming in from out-of-town) a fantastic Chicago-style party
John believes that being available at all times to the client is the key to being successful. He also likes to make sure that whoever hires him, during any event they are hired for, has as little stress as possible.
The best thing about our band is we are young and energetic. We got into the business because we love playing music not the other way around and I think that is very important.
For your music needs, check out John Paris and see the music man in action.